Peter and I now part company as he has to return to the UK, and I move on to the campsite at Villers-sur-Meuse called Campining de l’Esperance. This is a basic campsite on the banks of the Meuse with adequate facilities. Sitting in the evening sun, I saw a sparrowhawk chasing a small bird. I didn’t see the end, but I think the sparrowhawk had the upper hand after the small bird decided to leave the protection of a tree.

I stayed an extra day, and took a bike ride to the nearby village of  Genicourt-sur-Meuse. The pictures below are of the beautiful communal Washhouse, which was in the centre of the village.

Villers -sur-Meuse 2 Villers-sur-Meuse 1 Villers-sur-Meuse 3 Villers-sur-Meuse 4