An uneventful trip to Peterborough, with the exception of the A14 where there are massive roadworks slowing all the traffic.

I enjoyed the Motorhome Show, and went to 3 of the 4 entertainment events. The first on Thursday night was absolutely terrible. A so called comedy duo called  Impromptu were the worst I have seen, and I left the venue very shortly after the start of their routine.

The entertainment on the Friday and Sunday nights were excellent, and I would recommend them to anyone. Friday night Darren Busby a Country and Western singer followed by The Mods, a group performing 60s and 70s music. On Sunday night, the music was even better, with Little Eagles playing Eagles music followed by Explosive Light Orchestra playing ELO music. In between on Saturday, I went for a Meal at the Harvester with Bob and Shirley.